Improve Your Cornhole Technique - 1

Improve Your Cornhole Technique - 1

Improve Your Stance

Before you can learn how to toss a cornhole bean bag, you need to first find a stance that works for you. Footwork is crucial in cornhole, as it provides a foundation for your throw, but there’s no single technique that works well for everyone. It’s important that you find a stance that’s comfortable for you instead of simply copying the experts.

There are a few throwing stances that you can try out. Some people stand still with their feet slightly apart, so they can use all arm as they throw. In other words, their arm is the only driving force in their throw. This could help you maintain fluid movements, which is essential to improve your throw.

Others take a step forward with their opposite foot so they can gain some momentum while throwing with their dominant arm. Like in bowling, they would ideally keep one leg slightly bent behind the other, but you really need to see which of these stances would work best for you and make adjustments depending on what you feel is most comfortable.

While we’re on the topic of footwork, wearing comfortable shoes that have decent traction is a plus since if you’re taking a step forward, you definitely don’t want to accidentally slip and fall.

Thanks to Recreation Insider

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